The Six percent is an idea created by Kdsti Kidane in collaboration with TYLVCLOTHING to shine more light on Tigray as a whole. Kdsti Kidane is a 19 year old from Las Vegas, Nevada. Outside of her involvement in Tigray Youth Las Vegas she also has talents in art, henna and interests in music.
"The Six percent is a statement of our people's resilience and strength. Despite the lack of resources and allies, 6% of Ethiopia's population is battling two of Africa's largest armies and making victories. In the diaspora we've been fighting our own battles in regards to activism and diplomacy, despite having an even smaller population here in the United States. Throughout history our size has never reflected the power and spirit that runs through our blood. With every advancement we make as we fight for our people to be free, I want the world to know we were only the 6%." - Kdsti Kidane